Jan A. Sigvartsen

Classes & Programs

Program Development and Administration

  • Doctoral Programs Coordinator - Theologische HochschuleFriedensau

  • Master of Theological Studies (Biblical Studies) specialization - Theologische Hochschule Friedensau

  • Co-Director for the Institute of Biblical Studies and Archaeology - Theologische Hochschule Friedensau

  • Gesellschaft für Bildung und Forschung in Europa (GBFE) Institutional Representative - Theologische Hochschule Friedensau

  • Faculty Senator - Theologische Hochschule Friedensau

  • Diversity and Internationalization Senate Sub-Committee member - Theologische Hochschule Friedensau

  • Biblical Research Committee member - Inter-European Division (EUD)

  • Faculty Senator - Andrews University

  • PhD/ThD Programs Committee member - Andrews University

Graduate Classes

  1. MFM AT Forschungsmodule Alten Testament zur Biblischen Theologie

  2. MCG312 Gesellschaftsrelevante Konzepte im Alten und Neuen Testament

  3. MHZ 131 Eschatologie und Apokalyptik im Alten Testament

  4. MKW 242 Kontinuitat und Wandel in Israels Identität

  5. MTS 013 Issues in Biblical Theology

  6. MTS 021 The Book of Daniel

  7. MTS 042 Issues in Ellen G. White Studies

  8. MTS 121 Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical Literature

  9. MTS 122 Second Temple Period Judaism

  10. MTS 123 Greco-Roman World and Early Judaism

  11. MTS 161 Old Testament Exegesis

  12. MTS 171 History of the Ancient Near East

  13. MTS 172 Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology

  14. OTST 558 Writings

  15. OTST 565 Pentateuch


Undergraduate Classes

  1. BAT 301 Geschichte Israels und Archaologie Palastinas

  2. BAT 302 Einleitung in das Alte Testament

  3. BAT 401 Proseminar Hermeneutik und Exegese AT

  4. BAT 601 Exegese Pentateuch

  5. BAT 602 Theologie des Alte Testament

  6. RELB 214 Law and Writings

  7. RELG 496 Special Projects in Religion

  8. RELT 225 Doctrines (General Education)

  9. RELB 216 Law and Writings (School of Distance Education)